Oh, hi there Internet...so sorry for my absence. I've been somewhat overwhelmed lately, giving a talk to my department (my first in the no-longer-so-new lab), falling off a chair and dislocating my foot, organizing data for a paper I'll be second author on to be submitted soon, making a poster of said data, going to Washington DC for Neuroscience and a pre-conference conference and squeezing in time with non-neuroscience friends and family (which was all super fun), getting some sort of terrible TB/Bubonic plague hybrid death cough (slight exaggeration), trying to write animal protocols and get set up for some fun but complex experiments and hosting my family for our first thanksgiving all together in seven years. CRAZY TIMES!
We haven't done Thanksgiving together in a while-when I was in grad school and my sister in a volunteer program, it seemed silly for us to spend money on two different plane trips to Ohio in a four week period. And we haven't had We had a ritual trip to my Dad's family's farm when I was a kid, but after my Granddad died when I was a teenager we lost those traditions and Thanksgiving became a quieter affair. Given the extravaganza that Christmas is at our house, it made sense that Thanksgiving would be the holiday to go. So for years I went to thanksgiving with the families of friends from college who lived in Atlanta, or to Bastard thanksgivings with friends from school or church. And those were all great but not the same as family. So now that Biffy and I both have steady paychecks and apartmenst with room for more than two guests we decided to restart family thanksgivings.
I am so lucky to have a great family who I love spending time with. The four of us get along ridiculously well, and have a good time whenever we are together. They're as weird and quirky and sarcastic as I am, and they make me laugh like no one else can. We spent the weekend cooking and eating, exploring the neighborhoods around my home and work, going to art museums and parks, watching movies and just being together. It was great, and I'm sad the weekend came to an end.
Biffy watches, judges, as dad cooks |
The only picture of the Turkey. It was delicious. Approximately 2/3 of it is still in my fridge. |
I don't even know |
Gazing at the bay |