19 November 2009

I like:

  • January Jones (Betty Draper on mad men) evidently did a terrible job of hosting SNL, but this sketch is pretty funny: A Lady's guide to party planning. Because cats are girls and dogs are boys!
  • The Avett Brothers. I am late to this party, I guess, but I started buying up their songs on iTunes after I heard Murder in the City on the radio. I'm a fool for any nice use of language, so I love their clever and sweet lyrics.
  • Used books on amazon. I bought the next book for sister book club (Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia), as well as a few volumes of poetry (mary oliver, mark strand, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound) to round out my collection. the total (excluding shipping) was less than $3.00. Moving all my books next year? Is going to suck. Not as much as moving MY CATS, but still.
  • New space heater! Because it is freaking cold in my house. It isn't even winter yet!
  • Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. My mom told me to read it about a year ago, and I ignored her because I rarely like non-fiction. But I got bored and picked up my roomates copy and it is such an interesting and inspiring book. Mortenson, through the Central Asia Institute that he founded, has built schools for girls in the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan. His work is a testament to the power that educating and keeping healthy girls and women has to stabilize a community.
  • One month until I head home for (hopefully) a week off for christmas. It'll be a long haul until then, but it's easiest to handle 30 day stretches of work when there is something good to look forward to at the end. And a week in Ohio is definately a good thing:)

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