I went to Minneapolis for the weekend to see my little sister. It was a whirlwind visit, involving four take offs and four landings and slightly less than 48 hours on the ground, but so worth it. I reverted to my old self and took very few pictures, alas. Highlights included, columbian plantain pancake breakfast with her friends, a tour of her non-profit's shiny new building. As director of client services, she has an office with a door that locks, which is evidently quite the status symbol. To fulfill our family goal of never, ever taking a vacation without learning something, went to the Mill City Museum. We went to the Midtown Global market and admired the booths of crafts and food set up by latino, asian, african, and swedish vendors (it is minnesota, after all). From there we went to Minnehaha falls, which was frozen solid and pretty awesome.
We were not brave enough to go down to the falls like the people in the picture. There were treacherous, snow covered stairs, and we are not particularly coordinated girls.
We made pizza and went to the bar for the most midwestern of foods, Totchos. That's right. Tater tot nachos. Also note that this photo demonstrates two things. 1) that we are incapable of taking cute pictures together and 2) we look nothing alike.
Also at the bar, dinosaurs, lizards, neurons, mice, and opposums were drawn on napkins as part of a spiraling game of telepictionary .
Sunday was brunch in Uptown, the art museum, a few vintage clothing stores, greek food for lunch, a trip to Target-although not the two story target with the shopping cart escalator, just the normal neighborhood Target. Then it was off to the airport and sister separation once again. My flight back was kindof a nightmare, delayed and almost missing my connection, which was also delayed and had poorly working airvents and smelly hipsters, and had to make three attempts to land due to wind and then had to sit twenty minutes and wait for a gate. I got back to my house around 1:30 AM this morning. I am, of course, beyond tired.
Someone in Biffy's hippie neighborhood nailed a bunch of wooden hearts to the trees on her street. It is a protest, she says, perhaps against Dutch Elm Disease(?!?!), or turning the street into a bike boulevard. I didn't see it until we were leaving for the airport, so in my mind it is a protest against having to fly away from those you love.
1 comment:
dude. Emerald Ash Borer.
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