Well, it has been a while. Since Easter, I've been some what preoccupied. I had a surprise two-to-ten page proposal to write a for a training grant application (I ended up with six pages, heavily borrowed (with permission) from the boss's grant) with about three days notice. Good news is, I got the slot so I have a guaranteed job for two more years-a rare thing even for a postdoc in today's gross funding climate. Doesn't really quiet my growing anxiety about what I'm going to do after those two years (well, ok, probably get another grant and continue to postdoc for a few more years, but after that...???). I moved rigs, which gave me valuable experience troubleshooting noise. My old rig had a giant poster of canada, was directly below the room where they did tests on monkeys, and shared space with the morris water maze. My new rig has windows! that I can see the bay from!, no monkey sounds/smells, no behavioral equipment and is in the same room as the rest of the lab.
I also went on a too brief vacation with my family-my parents and sister and my mom's brother and his family, which I'll have pictures of soon. I will say that I love my family-we're all brainy and sarcastic and giant nerds. We had a snarky conversation name dropping propaganda films from three different eras within ten minutes of me getting off the plane. We do uncool things like puzzles and board games and build giant sandcastles and watch the tide come in and smash them and have so much fun. I love it.
Now I'm back to work and real life, looking forward to exploring more of RI now that it has thawed!
1 comment:
yay you had fun!
i wish you were here to help with the bambi puzzle, but i look forward to impressing you with my (and amy's) diligence for tea-drinking and puzzling!
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