13 February 2012

29: analysis

SO I am 29 today! Life is super crazy, or has been for a few weeks and is now calming down? Maybe? Probably not. Anyways, it's my birthday, things are good, I am happy. Just a little too crazy for a real update at the moment.
At this point in my life, I would say I am mediocre at being an adult, an adequate scientist, a terrible cat keeper, and shit at updating this blog. But y'all, I am really good at cake.

*made them for a friend's graduation party. Not for my own birthday!


Keri said...

You must come and visit this weekend to make cakes for Lindsey's party. Otherwise I will be throwing someone a "sprinkle" for their baby party, then I will call it a sprinkle and say it was your idea.
So there.

Abby said...

Please. Like anyone would believe that I would call a baby party a sprinkle.

that said, I wish I could come to make cakes and party plan with you! Alas, I am insane right now and airplanes are expensive :(