19 August 2010

sisters discuss drugs and science writing

me: I am such a bad writer

Elizabeth: I'm sorry

Elizabeth: maybe you should take some cocaine*.
it helped lewis carroll

me: I'd probably be a better writer if I had a smidge of LSD
"yes the third chapter of my thesis is narrarated by a talking mushroom WHAT OF IT?"

Elizabeth: hahahaha
that would be so happy
there is not nearly enough batshit crazy imagery in science writing
also, use cocaine when you meet with XL to discuss this.
science writing is the coolest

* she means LSD. We come from a small town and are also the only two children to ever be influenced enough by the DARE program to be completely terrified and ignorant of drugs well into our twenties. I am a completely lame person. My friends and I went to a concert (Matchbox20 and Train, rock and roll!) when we were seventeen and vaguely considered trying to find some alcohol, decided we had no idea how to do that(note to my teenaged self: all you need to do to get get alcohol when you are a busty seventeen year old at a concert is walk your jailbait self to the nearest pack of college-aged guys where you will promptly be offered alcohol), responsibly remembered that we had to drive home (we carpooled. only one person had to drive home) and split a giant cup of diet pepsi. lame, I tell you.

08 August 2010

I like:

1. This list, a crowd-sourced compendium of the best of magazine writing. I think magazine pieces are the perfect form for non-fiction for me. I really like learning new things, but rarely have the patience to sit through a whole book of facts.

2. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I am two years behind the cool kids on this one, but the YYYs have really grown o me. They struck me as a little weird at first (kinda shouty, they're headlined by a tiny korean girl who looks like Johnny Weir and styles herself like Michael Jackson), but I am loving their music the more I listen to it.

3. Blood Bank by Bon Iver. I'm in awe of this guy's ability to write lyrics-they're so strange and sweet and evocative.

4. fresh sweet cherries, candied in whiskey and a little vanilla and a dash of cardamom, about to go over ice cream while I watch mad men:)