08 December 2012

Hannukah Miracles abound...

1)our paper, which I am second author on and has been in review/revision/review FOREVER was accepted by Neuron yesterday. This is the paper we went to Philly to do insanely hard experiments for (I think 8 days of recording, 4 cells from 30 animals!).  

2) My hands, after two weeks of unexplained stiffness and distracting levels of pain, a doctor's visit where they took approximately half my blood for testing, and a lot of hyperventilating while googling bone cancer and lupus, have spontaneously healed. Ok, so I know they are not healed and whatever is wrong is unlikely to just disappear, but today I can move them and the pain is minimal and I am making cookies


Keri said...


Anonymous said...

Yay Paper!

- Johanna