09 January 2013


Kerita and I have both been working on a grant that is due soon, and we have found ourselves...frustrated. More me than her, I think

5:17 PM me: I am just having a complete mental block
 Keri: maybe you should write a haiku
5:18 PM me: Please please fund my grant       I want a real job so bad       fuck you i'm awesome
  did it
 Keri: did it help?
 me: well
  I think it is a pretty nice haiku
5:19 PM Keri: ha me too
  too bad they don't accept appendices

PS: I've had lots of gchat snippets lately. I try to write posts more frequently, but then I get perfectionist and ADD and type A about how much my writing sucks and how boring I am. Which is something I battle with pretty much constantly about my more academic writing. So I post chats when people  are funny. I am at  my maximum level of hilariousness in short bits, anyways.

1 comment:

Keri said...