04 February 2013

Parental Encouragment

Because my still-unidentified-probably-autoimmune arthritis (doctor's plan: "let's see if it gets worse" My plan: new doctor) rules out land-based exercise for the forseeable future, I have been exercising in the pool.  I haven't spent regular time in the pool since I was a kid, so re-acclimation is a slow process.

My father is supportive.

9:17 PM
Hi da
you'll be happy to know I didn't drown in the pool yesterday
and that I can swim a 100 m freestyle in 4 minutes
which is only...3 minutes and 15 seconds off of michael phelps pace

9:17 PM
Well, that's pretty much drifting with the current, but it's a good start

1 comment:

Keri said...

perhaps you should have shared your accomplishments with someone other than Aquaboy.

just saying.

also, i'm terribly impressed you didn't drown. only because it is a real possibility on a bad day that i will drown in the shower. i'm that bad with water.