28 January 2011


My sister and I email (almost) every day. Needless to say, with both of us in big-girl* jobs, they can get a little repetitive. Today we described our days in haiku.

E's day:

Heart Ninth Ward Awards
I have a sinus headache
Macaroni and Cheese

Mine (I did two!):

Woke up late today
Pandora thinks that I love
the crap band coldplay

It is not snowing!
one cara cara orange
was my meager lunch

*postdoc counts as a big girl job, right?


Keri said...

pandora also thinks that I love coldplay. bleck.

Abby said...

I think they are probably such a derivative, bland band at this point that any starting band leads to them.

The sad thing is that I really like their earlier albums! They're nothing great, but pleasant for working.